It is always a pleasure to read your posts. I find you to be one of my favorite, creative inspirationists. I guess that isn't a word — but it should be. I just woke up and I'm waiting for the coffee to brew and thinking about what I'm going to create today.

Happy Friday from Nanette

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Oh my goodness Nanette you made my day with this comment . . . thank you . . . and I love that word he he

Coffee is a wonderful way to start the creative process, i'm with you there!! I hope you had a wonderfully creative day, thank you so much for commenting!

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I so wanted to send you a cute inspirational png I made this morning, but there doesn't seem to be a way to attach or insert it into this conversation.

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Aww so sweet . . . yeah I don't think there is a way yet to attach things to these comments or posts - you are free to pop into my direct messages, substack now has this feature, if you need help with that let me know!

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